A Drink With Crazy
Gaming • Movies • Culture
This is a place for the The Iron Age creators to gather and share their Content
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Collectivism is not the answer

Collectivism is destroying us. The hive mind mentality is stripping us from our individuality. And i don't mean individualism. That has been corprotized. The idea around the individual has been monetized and is on sale for $19.99 at Wal-Mart. Most of what we define ourselves as lately comes from corporate psychologists that have learned how to manipulate us into the consumers. We are no longer a customers. They have brainwashed the population to believe that as long as we buy something "different" from them we are an individual. The soul has been destroyed by consumption and status. We have been sold the great lie that the world cares what we think; instead of creating our own small world, our own small community, that actually cares. These merchants of darkness have absolutely taken advantage of our limited time today. They have destroyed the family, eviscerated the meaning of love and destroyed our faith iN God and ourselves. These mother fuckers have preyed upon our financial failings (that they created) and sell us a solution. A false solution. A dead solution. All of this is designed to make you feel less than what you are. They are afraid of actual individualism. They are terrified that we will no longer rely on their lie. Don't believe the lie. You are greater than them!

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My Computer is dying

So. I think My PC is going out. It was a hand-me-down that my buddy gave me and it has made A Drink With Crazy possible. I am hoping it will last a little bit longer, but, I need a new PC. The issue is; the minimum build I need to run the channel, and not have to run out and get a new PC in a year, costs $2700 dollars +tax. The reason I am telling everyone this is because I may need to either walk away from ADWC when my computer dies, or start leaning into the superchat's and membership shill. I really don't like asking people who have created this community for more of their hard earned money, it feels gross to me. So I just want you all to know what is going on. I will keep working on ADWC as much as I can until my current rig dies.

Comic Shop Wednesday

If you are looking for something new, check out the thread below, or come hang out in my weekly supporter livestream, where we as potential customers give our first impressions on what is in the weekly thread.

A Blind Squirrel finds a broken clock twice a day.
Also we have Blaine Pardoe joining us tonight at 8 pm central.

Ladies night on ADWC Replay

Tonight at 7 p.m. Central.
What have I gotten myself into?
Send help....

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